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Nexus 2024 Annual Conference Theme & Tickets Announced
Nexus 2024 Annual Conference Theme & Tickets Announced Nexus, Northern Ireland’s leading organisation providing specialist support for people...

NI Children Have No Access to Free Centralised Counselling for Sexual Abuse
NI Children Have No Access to Free Centralised Counselling for Sexual Abuse 15th December 2023: Nexus, Northern Ireland’s leading organisation...

Nexus Halts New Referrals for Under 16s Due to Waiting List Capacity
Nexus Halts New Referrals for Under 16s Due to Waiting List Capacity We regret to announce that as of Thursday 2nd November 2023, Nexus will not be...

Derry/Londonderry Influencer raises 5k for local Charity in just over 24 hours
Adam McIntyre, a prominent social media influencer from Derry/Londonderry, has celebrated his 21st birthday, and reaching 400,000 subscribers on his...

Nexus to Host Two Recruitment Days to Engage New Talent
Get to Know Us! Nexus to Host Two Recruitment Days to Engage New Talent Join team Nexus at our upcoming inspiring and informative recruitment...

‘Rough Sex’ no Longer Defence for Non-Fatal Strangulation
‘Rough Sex’ no Longer Defence for Non-Fatal Strangulation Today, non-fatal strangulation or asphyxiation (under The Justice Sexual Offences...

Nexus comment: Northern Ireland sexual offences reach highest on record for year
Nexus comment: Northern Ireland sexual offences reach highest on record for year The BBC have reported that sexual offences in Northern Ireland have...

Nexus Local Election 2023 Manifesto
Announcing our 2023 Local Council Election Manifesto: Breaking the Cycle of Sexual Abuse and Abusive Relationships in Local Communities We're...

How Nexus will Break the Cycle of Sexual Abuse and Abusive Relationships
How Nexus will Break the Cycle of Sexual Abuse and Abusive Relationships Today, Friday 31st March, Nexus launches its new three-year strategy and...

Operation Encompass roll out to schools in the Northern and Western Trusts
Thursday 23 March 2023 PSNI announce that schools across the Northern and Western Trust areas are to join Operation Encompass Commenting on...

50% Increase in Calls to Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline – December 2022
The Domestic and Sexual Abuse (DSA) helpline, hosted by Nexus, has seen a 50% increase in calls and a 28% increase in webchats and emails between...

Nexus receives funding to deliver workshops in Antrim and N’abbey area
We are pleased to introduce our new video on Healthy Vs Unhealthy relationships. With thanks to Antrim and Newtownabbey PCSP we are able to deliver...