Domestic & Sexual Abuse Helpline
Call the Domestic & Sexual Abuse Helpline on 0808 802 1414.
DSA Helpline
Call the Domestic & Sexual Abuse Helpline on 0808 802 1414.

Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline
The Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline provides information, advice and support to those impacted by Domestic and Sexual Abuse across Northern Ireland. The Helpline is available to people with lived experience, those concerned about someone, those with concerns as to whether abuse is occurring, and to professionals working with people who may be impacted by abuse. The Helpline will direct callers to the appropriate support in both emergency and non-emergency situations.
If you feel you need immediate support in addition to making a referral to join Nexus counselling we encourage you to contact the Helpline.
Nexus manages the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline, delivered in partnership with the Departments of Communities, Health and Justice. You can contact the Helpline at any time, free and confidentially. Trained, experienced staff are available to available to help via phone, email and webchat.
You can call 0808 802 1414 email or live chat via
Visit the Helpline website by clicking the button below for more information.
Follow the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline on social media to stay up to date with their latest news, information and events.