Trigger Warning Nexus CEO Joanne Barnes spoke to Good Morning Ulster regarding the approved changes to Sexual offences in the Republic of Ireland. Please watch her contribution on Nexus’ views to breakthesilence on sexual trauma to help support victims and...
On RSE day we were delighted to work with Relate NI to make a number of videos regarding relationships and sex education. Click here to view our workshops on RSE for schools Please see some of our staff members describing their experience of RSE in schools. Megan...
As part of our PCSP Belfast Consent project, we are delighted to be launching a new GoodCourse push notification on Consent. The PCSP Belfast Talking about Consent project will help to educate people on consent. There should be no ‘grey area’ Click here to...
Following from the recent report of a young woman who has waited 5 years for her abuser to appear in court, BBC Radio Foyle has obtained the latest figures from the Department of Justice that show more than 70 sexual offences cases have taken more than five years to...
Watch our CEO on BBC News discussing the case of ‘Cathy’ below: Our CEO Joanne Barnes discussed the case of a young woman who has waited five years for the perpetrator of her abuse to appear in court. “Cathy” has reported that she feels...
In an increasingly digital world, young people across the world are interacting in new ways with a new level of independence. While online spaces can offer a positive experience, it is important to be aware of the dangers of online violence. Our education team has...