Statement from Nexus on Public Apology

Statement from Nexus – 11/03/2022.

On Friday, March 11th, the Northern Ireland executive alongside identified institutions issued a Public Apology to victims of historical and institutional childhood abuse. As a charity dedicated to supporting victims of sexual violence, which comes in many forms, including historical and institutional child abuse, Nexus welcomes today’s apology as a recognition of the experiences of victims and their families.

We also wish to emphasise that this apology is only one part of what needs to be an ongoing commitment to victims and their families. Work now needs to be undertaken to address the decades of institutional failures to prevent further harm and protect future generations of young people and their families across Northern Ireland and beyond. This must include the development and provision of accessible support for victims and their families in all areas of life, including mental and physical health, affordable housing, and financial aid.

At Nexus, our aim is to provide trauma-informed counselling as well as post-counselling services to support every step of a victims’ journey. At the heart of our work is the safety and wellbeing of all victims, and we know that reaching out can be a difficult first step. So we wish to say to anyone out there: you are not alone. We hear you and we believe you. If you need support, there are services here to help.


The Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline is available 24 hours, 7 days a week at 0808 802 1414, or by web-chat at You can also contact Nexus at 028 9032 6803 or by visiting our website at The Victims and Survivors Services have partnered with WAVE Trauma Centre and Advice NI to provide a range of welfare services, counselling, and advice and support for accessing redress.

Survivors can contact the Victims and Survivors Services in a number of ways:


Call: 028 9031 1678


WAVE Trauma Centre will also operate a dedicated telephone apology support line 028 9077 9922 as follows:

Friday 11th March: 9am-8pm

Saturday 12th March: 10am-5pm

Sunday 13th March: 10am-5pm

A drop in service, emotional and social support is available over the weekend at:

WAVE Belfast, 5 Chichester Park South 10-4pm – Saturday 12th March

WAVE Derry / Londonderry, 25-30 The Diamond 10-4pm – Sunday 13th March

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