Nexus CEO responds to Derry/Londonderry Court case
Watch our CEO on BBC News discussing the case of ‘Cathy’ below:

Our CEO Joanne Barnes discussed the case of a young woman who has waited five years for the perpetrator of her abuse to appear in court.

“Cathy” has reported that she feels silenced and unsupported by the criminal justice system.

Nexus is passionate about creating a society free from sexual abuse and trauma. The first step in which is breaking the silence on this often taboo subject by raising awareness, challenging myths and stereotypes and ensuring victims and survivors get justice.

We commend the courage ‘Cathy’ has shown not just for reporting but for openly speaking out about her experience.

We hope that full implementation of the Gillen Review recommendations will see a more supportive judicial processes for victims and survivors and case times will be significantly reduced to enable victims and survivors to truly engage with their recovery.

Nexus offer safe, confidential counselling to support victims and survivors of sexual trauma. Please see our secure self referral form for our services:

You can listen to these interviews on on Good Morning Ulster and BBC Radio Foyle

More on this story:

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