Additional Support

Self help resources for survivors of sexual abuse

self help resources for survivors of sexual abuse

Additional Support

Self help resources for survivors of sexual abuse

Self help resources for survivors of sexual abuse

Self help resources for survivors of sexual abuse


Accessing self help resources can be useful for survivors of sexual abuse who may be waiting for counselling or other support to begin, those who may not be ready to start counselling or other therapeutic interventions, or those who have completed their counselling journey. At Nexus, one of our core values is empowerment, which means we are committed to supporting people impacted by sexual abuse and abusive relationships to recognise their strength and ability to make informed choices and create positive change.

We have collated a range of self help resources to support survivors of sexual abuse and abusive relationships. Take a look through these resources below to find the ones that suit you best.

Useful resources for survivors of sexual abuse

There are a range of self help resources for survivors of sexual abuse and abusive relationships available online and offline. We have compiled a list below of links to books, guides, websites, mobile apps, and podcasts, from other sources which you may wish to explore. This list is in development and will continue to be updated.

Remember, if you feel like you need to speak to someone, the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year for anyone impacted directly or indirectly by sexual abuse and abusive relationships. Nexus manages the Helpline on behalf of the Departments of Communities, Health, and Justice. You can call our trained operators on 0808 802 1414, email, or live chat at completely free of charge.  If you are in in distress or crisis, you can contact Lifeline 24/7 on 0808 808 8000.  

Resources for adult victims of child abuse

Self-care for survivors of rape and sexual abuse

Coping strategies for people impacted by sexual abuse

Self-help resources for general wellbeing

Resources for survivors of sexual abuse

Mobile app to help with sleep, anxiety & stress 

Self help guide for survivors of rape or sexual abuse

More resources coming soon…

Take 5 Steps to General Wellbeing

Most of us know when we are mentally and physically well, but sometimes we need a little extra support to keep well.

There are five simple steps to help maintain and improve your wellbeing. Try to build these into your daily life – think of them as your ‘five a day’ for wellbeing.



Be active

Be active

Take notice

Take notice

Keep learning

Keep learning

Techniques to help you relax

You can use these exercises when you’re feeling stressed, busy or worried:

Some of these exercises might not work for everyone, so don’t worry if one technique isn’t right for you. You could try a different exercise instead.

How to use relaxation exercises:

You can use relaxation techniques regularly, or every once in a while. Do whatever feels right for you.

  • Try and make some time in your day to try these exercises. Don’t treat relaxing like a task that needs to be completed. Try to think of it as giving yourself some time and space.
  • Find somewhere quiet and comfortable where you won’t be interrupted, if you can.
  • Try to make sure your surroundings are at the right temperature. It can be hard to relax if you’re too hot or cold.
Relax your body

Relax your body

Get creative

Get creative

Take a mindful moment in nature

Mindful moments in nature

Connect with your senses

Connect with your senses

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