Early Intervention & Prevention
Learn more about our training courses and workshops

Early Intervention & Prevention
Learn more about our training courses and workshops

Early Intervention and Prevention: Training at Nexus
We deliver training on sexual abuse and abusive relationships to people of all ages across Northern Ireland. Scroll down to learn more about each of our courses and sessions.
We have developed a number of training sessions, workshops and resources for young people, parents, carers and professionals; scroll down to learn more about what we have on offer.
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Our 2024-25 online training calendar
We’ve devised a comprehensive online training calendar using our expertise and based on themes and topics we see presenting as issues faced by our clients and in wider society.
Many of these sessions have previously been attended by teachers, healthcare workers, safeguarding staff, probation officers, youth workers, and community support workers, though these training sessions are open to anyone aged 18+ who is interested in deepening their knowledge of issues relating to sexual abuse and abusive relationships.
Our January-March 2025 Online Training Brochure can be found below. Simply click the registration link for the session you’d like to book to be taken to our registration platform. If you have any questions about these sessions please contact our team on training@nexusni.org. All sessions will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams to enable us to reach as many people across Northern Ireland as possible.
Active Bystander: Bystander Intervention
Thurs 23rd January | 10am-12pm
With this session we aim to give you the confidence to safely intervene as an active bystander if you witness abuse, assault, or harassment in public, at work, or in your home life.
£30 per person
Registrations have now closed.
Child Sexual Abuse Awareness (CPD accredited)
Thurs 30th January | 10am-1pm
Increase your understanding of the nature and impact of child sexual abuse (CSA) and gain awareness of the prevalence in NI and confidence in supporting people with lived experience.
£50 per person
Registrations have now closed.
Handling Disclosures (CPD accredited)
Thurs 20th February | 2pm-4pm
Increase your confidence in responding to disclosures of abuse. We’ll explore the dynamics and impact of grooming and coercive control, and how someone can be impacted.
£40 per person
Challenging Misogyny & Rape Culture
Tues 4th March | 10am-12pm
We’ll explore what misogyny is and how it contributes to rape culture, using real-life examples and scenario-based learning to help you learn how you can play your part in challenging misogyny.
£30 per person
Onus Safe Place Initiative Webinar
Tues 18th March | 10am-12pm
Suitable for businesses, organisations, churches, schools or community groups wishing to gain confidence and access the resources to safely and sensitively support people impacted by domestic abuse.
Talking to Young People about Consent & Healthy Relationships
Thurs 20th March | 10am-12pm
Increase your awareness of the principles of healthy relationships and consent in a way that can be communicated appropriately to young people of any age.
£35 per person
Nexus training for organisations
We offer training to organisations to support you to support your people; we’ve trained teachers, healthcare workers, Housing Executive staff, youth workers, and many more across Northern Ireland. These sessions can be delivered online or in-person. Session length varies depending on the topic – the shortest session would be 2 hours and the longest would be a full working day (6 hours excluding lunch and breaks).
Below you’ll find the training sessions we can offer your organisation. We’re also happy to discuss bespoke training packages to suit your needs. If you’d like to find out more please contact our team on training@nexusni.org.
Workplace Training & Support Services
It is estimated that 20% of women and 4% of men in the UK have suffered some form of sexual abuse since the age of 16. This is an important issue that affects women, men and children regardless of their background.
In 2016 the Department of Health and Department of Justice, in their 7 year strategy “Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse in Northern Ireland” estimated Lost Economic Output of sexual abuse and abusive relationships in Northern Ireland from 2010-2012 to be £216 million.
We can work with you to deliver a range of staff training specific to the needs of your organisation which can include:
- Awareness of sexual abuse & trauma including sexual harassment and the effects for staff and the workplace
- How to enable conversations within the workplace and handle disclosures to support the wellbeing of staff
- Support with the development of a specific workplace policy
Nexus wants to equip organisations with important information and tools on sexual abuse and trauma, to help tackle this important issue, both in the workplace and in society and create a safe and supportive working environment.
Please contact us on training@nexusni.org for more information on how Nexus can work with you to prevent these issues from happening within your organisation.
Handling Disclosures
This workshop is aimed at anyone who works with or support people who may have lived experience of sexual abuse and abusive relationships. With this workshop, we aim to enable you to become more confident in your ability to appropriately handle disclosures of sexual abuse and abusive relationships.
This may include teachers, nurses, health and social care professionals, police and criminal justice system professionals, therapists, managers, counsellors, students, youth, community or faith sector workers, parents, foster parents, carers and others.
Our aim is that by the end of this workshop you will have:
- An increased awareness of sexual abuse and domestic abuse/abusive relationships
- An increased understanding of coercive control
- An increased recognition of the indicators of abuse
- Gained knowledge of what may trigger a disclosure
- An understanding of how to create the conditions for a disclosure
- Gained confidence in how to appropriately respond to a disclosure
- An increased knowledge of responsibilities, referring and signposting for support
To enquire about pricing and to book contact our Early Intervention & Prevention team on training@nexusni.org
Bystander Intervention: How to be an Active Bystander
This workshop will give you the knowledge and understanding to be able to confidently and effectively be an active bystander when you see abuse happening. We cover training on effective interventions in everyday situations, as well as follow-up action and reporting responsibilities.
We aim that by the end of this workshop, you will:
- Know what a bystander is
- Understand what influences our decisions to intervene
- Know what stops us intervening
- Understand what sexual violence and harassment is
- Feel empowered and able to intervene when/if the time comes
- Have experience of practice-based learning using real-life scenarios
- Learn how we develop a “no tolerance” culture
To enquire about pricing and to book contact our Early Intervention & Prevention team on training@nexusni.org
Understanding the Impact of Rape and Sexual Abuse
This course is aimed at anyone who wants to understand more about rape and sexual abuse or who may be in contact with someone impacted by Rape and/or Sexual Abuse.
This may include teachers, nurses, health and social care professionals, police and criminal justice system professionals, therapists, managers, counsellors, students, youth, community or faith sector workers, parents, foster parents, carers and others.
Our aim is that by the end of this workshop you will have:
- An increased awareness of the dynamics of rape and sexual abuse, and its prevalence in Northern Ireland
- An increased awareness of the societal myths, misconceptions and attitudes surrounding rape and sexual abuse
- An improved understanding of perpetrators of rape and sexual abuse, their motivations and the grooming process
- An improved understanding of the impact of rape and sexual abuse on people with lived experience
- An increased understanding of issues around disclosing and reporting of rape and sexual abuse
- Increased confidence in supporting people with lived experience of rape and sexual abuse
To enquire about booking this training for your organisation, please contact our Early Intervention & Prevention team on training@nexusni.org
Child Sexual Abuse Awareness
This course is aimed at anyone who wants to understand more about Child Sexual Abuse or who may be in contact with someone impacted by Child Sexual Abuse.
This may include teachers, nurses, health and social care professionals, police and criminal justice system professionals, therapists, managers, counsellors, students, youth, community or faith sector workers, parents, foster parents, carers and others.
Our aim is that by the end of this workshop you will have:
- An increased understanding of the nature and impact of Child Sexual Abuse
- An increased awareness of the prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse in Northern Ireland
- An improved awareness of the barriers to disclosure
- An increased awareness of the experience of people with lived experience of Child Sexual Abuse have
- An increased understanding of how to support people with lived experience of Child Sexual Abuse
To enquire about pricing and to book contact our Early Intervention & Prevention team on training@nexusni.org
Supporting Young People who Disclose Domestic & Sexual Abuse
This workshop is aimed at you if you work with young people in any capacity, and want to improve your knowledge and understanding of domestic and sexual abuse, to enable you to respond appropriately and safely to a disclosure of this nature.
By the end of this workshop, we aim that you will have a better understanding of:
- Domestic and sexual abuse
- The types and effects of domestic and sexual abuse
- Coercive control
- The impact domestic and sexual abuse has on young people
- Barriers young people may experience to disclosing and engagement
- How to respond to disclosures
- Risks around domestic and sexual abuse, and disclosures
- Safeguarding responsibilities and safety planning
- Referral pathways for support for young people
To enquire about pricing and to book contact our Early Intervention & Prevention team on training@nexusni.org
Child Sexual Exploitation Level 1 (free training)
This training course is aimed at social workers and professionals working with young people at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE).
Our aim is that upon completion of this course, you will have:
An increased knowledge of the nature, scope and prevalence of Child Sexual Exploitation in Northern Ireland
- Increased knowledge of the risks and indicators of CSE
- An understanding of the underlying processes associated with CSE
An understanding of the links between abuse, current behaviour and vulnerability to CSE
An awareness of key legislation in Northern Ireland related to CSE
Once you have completed Level 1, you will be ready to embark on Level 2 CSE training which we also offer.
To enquire about availability and to book contact our Early Intervention & Prevention team on training@nexusni.org
Child Sexual Exploitation Level 2 (free training)
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Level 1 needs completed before Level 2 can be undertaken. This training course is aimed at social workers and professionals working with young people at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Our aim is that upon completion of this training course, you will have:
Recapped your learning from Level 1
An increased awareness of trauma and the brain and the effects of trauma
Explored appropriate responses and facilitating CSE disclosures, including evaluating a case study
An understanding of the barriers to disclosing
An increased awareness of victim blaming using a case study on language and labelling
Knowledge of how to report concerns
A further enhanced knowledge and understanding of CSE
Explored methods of effective intervention with young people
A feeling of being better equipped with the skills and resources to engage young people in CSE work
Considered the impact on self of working within this area and how to ensure safe practice
To enquire about availability and to book contact our Early Intervention & Prevention team on training@nexusni.org
Workshops for young people
We offer a range of educational workshops for children & young people across Northern Ireland. These workshops cover a range of topics, including body boundaries, healthy relationships, consent (in all sorts of relationships – including non-romantic), cybersafety, spiking awareness, grooming, and body image.
Click the button below to learn more about our workshops aimed at young people aged 11 and up.
Informational videos
We have a range of informational videos which help to educate and engage people in discussions around sexual abuse and abusive relationships. Click below to watch these videos.