Derry social media star donates £5,000 to Nexus

Derry native Adam McIntyre has celebrated reaching 200,000 subscribers on the social media platform YouTube by making a significant donation of £5,000 to Northern Ireland’s sexual trauma charity Nexus.

The YouTuber asked his social media followers to consider donating to Nexus, a charity he became aware of through an educational event when he attended school. Adam who now resides in Brighton in England wanted to celebrate in a meaningful way in celebration of his subscriber milestone especially as there has been a rise in reports of drink-spiking in Derry.

Adam said, “Nexus came to my attention back in 2019 when I contacted them for help and support during a project about the #MeToo movement. They graciously helped my student project and educated me so much and I never forgot their help.

“In celebrating hitting 200,000 subscribers on YouTube, I knew my dedicated caring audience would listen and appreciate the work Nexus provides…and they did! Within days my audience, whom I call my ‘muckers’ raised over £4,000 and with my donation of £1,000 topped over £5,000 for Nexus.

“This is only the start, and I cannot wait to continue using my platform to help give more voice to Derry charities who are doing so much”.

Nexus will use the funds raised to support their vital counselling work with victims and survivors of sexual trauma.

Karen Dunlop-Wainwright, fundraising and engagement officer at Nexus said, “On behalf of Nexus, I’d like to say a huge thank you to Adam for thinking of Nexus and helping to profile our cause to his audience.

“Our campaign #breakthesilence is helping to break down the barriers that prevent victims and survivors from speaking out about sexual trauma and letting anyone affected know that help is available. Adam’s support has been wonderful in helping us do just that, as well as raising this incredible sum to help fund our counselling services”.

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