Nexus CEO responds to Derry/Londonderry Court case

Nexus CEO responds to Derry/Londonderry Court case

Watch our CEO on BBC News discussing the case of ‘Cathy’ below: Our CEO Joanne Barnes discussed the case of a young woman who has waited five years for the perpetrator of her abuse to appear in court. “Cathy” has reported that she feels...
CyberSafe: Teaching young people how to stay safe online

CyberSafe: Teaching young people how to stay safe online

In an increasingly digital world, young people across the world are interacting in new ways with a new level of independence. While online spaces can offer a positive experience, it is important to be aware of the dangers of online violence. Our education team has...
Statement from Nexus on Public Apology

Statement from Nexus on Public Apology

Statement from Nexus – 11/03/2022. On Friday, March 11th, the Northern Ireland executive alongside identified institutions issued a Public Apology to victims of historical and institutional childhood abuse. As a charity dedicated to supporting victims of sexual...
Derry social media star donates £5,000 to Nexus

Derry social media star donates £5,000 to Nexus

Derry native Adam McIntyre has celebrated reaching 200,000 subscribers on the social media platform YouTube by making a significant donation of £5,000 to Northern Ireland’s sexual trauma charity Nexus. The YouTuber asked his social media followers to consider donating...
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