Aftercare Services
RESET: An aftercare programme

Aftercare Services
RESET: An aftercare programme

Aftercare services for previous Nexus clients
Nexus aftercare services are a set of free services within a programme called RESET that are available to people aged 16 and over, across Northern Ireland, who have completed their counselling or group support journey with us. RESET is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and is the next step in your recovery journey; a one-of-a-kind programme that is tailored to your needs to support you to thrive.
RESET is an acronym standing for:
R – Recover: We aid your journey to recovery after your counselling or group support has ended.
E – Engage: We encourage and facilitate you to engage with us, your local community and interest groups, group work, advocacy, and the User Forum.
S – Support: We support you to grow by helping you develop skills and knowledge to increase your self-confidence.
E – Empower: We empower you to take the lead, gain confidence to make decisions, and to be an advocate for others with lived experience of sexual abuse and abusive relationships.
T – Thrive: We work with you on your recovery journey, supporting you to thrive by developing interests, engaging in employment, volunteering & education and building & maintaining healthy relationships.
Click the button below to join now or scroll down to learn more about what to expect from RESET.
Is RESET right for you?
When you join RESET you will choose your own journey by selecting all, or a selection of, the activities below. The programme is designed to be flexible and tailored to your needs, to ensure you get the support you need in this next step in your healing journey.
If you’re unsure whether our aftercare services are right for you at this time, we encourage you to reach out to our team to chat more. At this time, you can only join RESET if you have completed counselling or group support with Nexus.
What can you expect from our aftercare services?
There are various options available to you when you join RESET depending on what your needs are after you finish your counselling or group support journey with us.
Take a look through the options you have when joining RESET below.
Social Inclusion
Support to engage in activities or groups in your local area.
Personal Development
6 week courses to increase your confidence and self-esteem.
STEPS Programme
13 week personal development course focused on emotion, creativity, and problem-solving.
User Forum
Participate in activities on behalf of Nexus to promote services and support clients.
Advocacy Training
Training to support others with similar experiences to you & support the work of Nexus.
Employment, Educational or Volunteering Support
Help to look for jobs, courses and experience through volunteering.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I join if I didn't finish my counselling or group support?
We are happy to chat to you to ensure this programme is right for you. Please contact us via
I'm on the waiting list for counselling or group support, can I join this whilst I wait?
Unfortunately not, this aftercare support service is for people who have already undergone counselling. You may be able to join RESET once you have finished counselling or group support with us.
How do I sign up?
Registrations must be made through our referral form, which you can access here.
How long does the programme last for?
When you join RESET you will be able to choose your own journey. Therefore, the programme will last for different length of time for each person.
How old do you have to be to join?
You must be aged 16 or over to join RESET aftercare services. You may have been under 16 when you started counselling with Nexus and now have reached 16 and want to engage in further support, or you may have undergone counselling or group support with us in our Adult Services. Either way, you are welcome to join RESET.
Where is RESET available?
This aftercare service will operate across Northern Ireland. We are planning a hybrid approach with virtual, face-to-face and group work available. Some travel expenses are available for those with limited or no access to their own transport who wish or need to attend in-person.
When will the programme run?
We are looking to deliver sessions on days and times which suit people best. This will be discussed with you after you enrol via our referral form.
Can I leave RESET and return again at a later date?
If people wish to return for additional support, we will consider this in line with current demand. The ability to re-join RESET will depend on availability on the programme at that time as spaces are limited.
Click the button below to join Nexus aftercare services (RESET) now.
RESET is kindly funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.