Operational Leadership Team
Meet the Nexus Operational Leadership Team
Operational Leadership Team
Meet the Nexus Operational Leadership Team

Meet the Operational Leadership Team
Our Operational Leadership Team consists of our Senior Managers, Service Managers, and Operational Leaders. The function of our OLT is to share information and offer clear direction on the development and delivery of our services. They work collaboratively to improve our existing processes and systems, reinforce our Vision, Mission, and Values, and equip the whole organisation to strive for excellence in our performance and service delivery.

Janine Cranston
Early Intervention & Prevention Services Co-Ordinator

Laura Mackle
Counselling Co-Ordinator

Jacqui Clancy
RESET Project Officer (North & West)

Julie Higginson
RESET Project Officer (South & East)

Emma Mitchell
Domestic & Sexual Abuse Helpline Co-Ordinator