Training to End Violence Against Women and Girls

Specialist Training and Support for your Organisation to help End Violence Against Women & Girls in NI
With the support of funding through The Executive Office, these initiatives aim to equip schools and youth organisations alongside 30 businesses, charities or organisations with the knowledge and tools to play an active role in Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) in NI.
The professional training and educational workshops are designed to tackle the root causes of violence against women and girls by challenging misogyny, promoting gender equality, and equipping people with the skills to intervene safely.
For businesses, organisations and charities, Nexus will:
- Support them to take the EVAWG Pledge by:
- Providing specialist Workplace and Organisational training to raise awareness of the root causes of violence against women and girls
- Help them to create safer environments by developing and embedding best practices, policies, and procedures to prevent violence against women and girls.
- Identify EVAWG Champions who will be nominated representatives within their organisation who will be trained on handling disclosures of abuse and signposting survivors to specialist organisations.
Alongside this, for Children and Young People, Nexus will:
- Deliver healthy and respectful relationships education sessions for young people aged 11-25, helping them recognise the four cornerstones of a healthy relationship: Communication, Respect, Trust, and Equality.
- Challenge them to become Healthy Relationship Defenders enabling them to identify and safely challenge inappropriate behaviours using the ‘5 Ds of Intervention’ – Distract, Delay, Direct, Document and Delegate.
How to Get Involved
Nexus is inviting businesses, organisations, charities, schools and youth groups to sign up to these specialist tailored programmes.
- These training initiatives are part funded for a limited number of organisations on a first come first serve basis at a cost of £930, with £750 covered by the fund, and for a limited number of Charities at a cost of £250, with £1430 covered by the fund.
- The workshops for the children and young people are free.
Please use this booking form to register your interest.
Further Information for Businesses, Organisations and Charities
Businesses, Organisations and Charities
By signing up and taking the EVAWG Pledge:
1. You will receive a 2-hour session for staff to raise awareness of:
a. What violence against women and girls is
b. Root causes of harmful behaviours and attitudes
c. Impact on individuals, workplaces and societies
d. How to challenge inappropriate and harmful behaviours safely
2 . You will nominate a EVAWG Champion in your workplace who will be highly trained and a safe point of contact.
3. The EVAWG Champion will attend a specific training day for EVAWG Champions nominees from other organisations and institutions. Participants will receive a more in-depth training session on Handling Disclosures of Abuse (CPD Accredited).
This training will enable staff to be better equipped to deal with disclosures appropriately and to ensure people are believed and supported when they make a disclosure.
4. You will receive support to implement robust policies and procedures in your organisation on issues like:
a. Domestic and Sexual abuse
b. Handling and reporting disclosures
c. Sexual Harassment
5. You will receive appropriate EVAWG and Nexus resources to display and distribute to your staff and volunteers.
6. You will receive an EVAWG Pledge Certificate and physical and digital ‘sticker’ to display to highlight your organisation’s commitment to Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in NI.
7. You can appear on Nexus’ website and social media platforms to highlight your sign up to the EVAWG Pledge (this is optional).
Please note:
– Max. attendance to each session 25 participants.
– Training can be delivered in-person at your premises or online via Microsoft Teams or Zoom.
– It’s recommended that the person you nominate would be someone who has sound knowledge of your organisation’s safeguarding policies and procedures.
– E-resources will also be available
Further Information for Schools and Youth Groups
Children and Young People’s Workshops
1. Healthy and respectful relationship sessions with young people to educate and empower them to recognise the 4 cornerstones of a healthy and respectful relationship whilst exploring misogyny as a root cause of VAWG.
2. Empower children and young people to become Healthy Relationship Defenders through being active bystanders and taking the ‘STEP UP, STEP IN Challenge’ enabling them to Identify harmful and inappropriate behaviours in relationships, to use the 5 Ds of intervention to safely and effectively address harmful behaviours, develop an action plan for advocating for healthy relationships and supporting peers.
3. Access resources for additional support