Spiking – what you need to know

Spiking – what you need to know

SPIKING Read and learn about spiking and how you can keep yourself safe and protect others. What is drink spiking? Drink spiking is when someone deliberately adds alcohol and/or a drug to another’s drink without their knowledge. Most ‘date rape’...
Statement from Nexus on Public Apology

Statement from Nexus on Public Apology

Statement from Nexus – 11/03/2022. On Friday, March 11th, the Northern Ireland executive alongside identified institutions issued a Public Apology to victims of historical and institutional childhood abuse. As a charity dedicated to supporting victims of sexual...


The problem of exploitation is increasingly entering our collective public consciousness through main stream media, internet, documentaries, research and so on. We are learning and understanding more about exploitation, but do we feel confident we could identify when...
Understanding Rape Myths

Understanding Rape Myths

UNDERSTANDING RAPE MYTHS What is a rape myth? A rape myth is a prejudicial belief or attitude towards the concept of rape and victims and survivors of sexual violence. They can be defined as “descriptive or prescriptive beliefs about rape (i.e., about its causes,...
Derry social media star donates £5,000 to Nexus

Derry social media star donates £5,000 to Nexus

Derry native Adam McIntyre has celebrated reaching 200,000 subscribers on the social media platform YouTube by making a significant donation of £5,000 to Northern Ireland’s sexual trauma charity Nexus. The YouTuber asked his social media followers to consider donating...
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